Home Remedies for Sebaceous Cyst

Know About Sebaceous Cyst

The sebaceous glands are the sweat glands in our body. Sebaceous cyst appears as a bump underneath the skin. Usually the sebaceous cyst develops suddenly and they will go away without any treatment. These cysts are also known as Epidermoid cyst or keratin cyst. Sebaceous cyst develops when the sebaceous glands get blocked by a keratin protein present in the skin. These sebaceous cysts will be filled with yellowish oily liquid having a pungent smell. Sebaceous cysts can emerge from any part of the human body except for the inner side of the palm and soles of the feet. The size of the cyst may vary and they are non-cancerous. The swelling in the hair follicle results in sebaceous cyst. There many factors which triggers the emergence of sebaceous cysts. Some of the causes of sebaceous cysts are discussed below.

Causes of Sebaceous Cysts

Some of the abnormalities in the human body and metabolism will result in skin cysts. The important causes of sebaceous cyst are:
  • Blocked sebaceous or sweat glands
  • Excessive production of the male hormone testosterone
  • Swelling of hair follicles
  • Increased production of sweat or sebum
  • Trauma to the skin
  • Overexposure to sunlight
  • People with acne are prone to sebaceous cyst
  • Regular waxing and shaving of hair

Symptoms Of Sebaceous Cyst

Various symptoms are associated with a sebaceous cyst condition. The common symptoms are as follows:
  • Bumps which are painless appear under the skin
  • Redness of the skin in the affected area
  • Soreness of skin
  • The skin in the infected area becomes warm
  • The pungent smelling oily material gets collected in the cyst
  • The cyst size may vary from ¼ inches to 2 inches in diameter

Home Remedies for Sebaceous Cyst

The main problem with the sebaceous cyst is that it affects the aesthetic appearance of a person. Cysts on the visible parts of the body appear ugly. Never try to pop or squeeze the cyst as this will increase the chances of developing infections and the process will be painful. The best sebaceous cyst treatment is the home remedies. Here are some sebaceous cyst home remedies for effective sebaceous cyst removal.

1.    Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a simple and easily available home remedy for sebaceous cyst. You can remove the liquid from the cyst by applying apple cider vinegar on the cyst. Apply vinegar on the cyst and cover the cyst with a bandage or clean cloth for 3-4 days. Remove the bandage after 3-4 days to find a hard layer of skin on the cyst. You can remove this hard layer of skin to remove the liquid contained in the cyst. Clean the cyst and apply a new bandage. Leave the bandage on the cyst for 2-3 days. When you remove the bandage after 3 days you will find a new skin growing.

2.    Epsom Salt

Epsom salt will prevent the infection of the cyst by fighting with bacteria causing the infection. Fill your bath tub with warm water and add some Epsom salt to it. Take a bath in Epsom salt water to cure sebaceous cysts.

3.    Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is extremely effective in treating sebaceous cyst. This oil has anti-bacterial and anti inflammatory properties, which helps in the healing process. Tea tree oil is used for treating various skin problems including acne, pimples and fungal infections of the skin.
Method 1:
To treat sebaceous cyst using tea tree oil, you need to apply the oil directly on sebaceous cyst. Apply the oil on the cyst two to three times a day till the cyst disappears.
Method 2:
Mix tea tree oil with water in 1:9 ratios to dilute it. Apply this diluted tea tree oil on the cyst thrice a day for sebaceous cyst removal.

4.    Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural remedy for skin problems. Aloe Vera gel has healing and pain relieving properties. It also soothes the skin.
Method 1:
Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel on the cyst 3-4 times daily to get relief from irritation and pain due to the cyst.
Method 2:
Drink Aloe Vera juice daily to remove the impurities from the body and to prevent skin infections. This juice will also keep your body cool.

5.    Honey

Honey has been in use to heal wounds and burns for centuries. Honey can be used in different methods topically to treat sebaceous cyst.
Method 1:
Prepare a poultice by blending wheat grass in a blender and adding some honey to it. Apply this poultice directly and cover the mixture using clean cloth. Leave this in place overnight to get best results within short time.
Method 2:
Take one ripe banana, peel it and blend it in blender and add some honey to the paste. Apply this mixture on the cyst to treat sebaceous gland. Leave it overnight for faster result.

6.    Turmeric

This is another great sebaceous cyst removal treatment. When taken orally, turmeric improves the digestion process and purifies the blood. When applied topically, the curcumin present it prevents bacterial infections. Turmeric can be applied topically or taken internally to treat sebaceous cyst.
Method 1:
Make a paste of turmeric powder by adding water or honey to it. Apply this mixture topically on the cyst. You will find that cysts get healed within a few days.
Method 2:
Take ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix it in one cup of warm milk and consume it daily for 10 days to purify the blood and for improving digestion. This will reduce the chances of developing sebaceous cyst.

7.    Castor Oil

Castor oil when used on the sebaceous cyst reduces itching and promotes healing process. To treat the cyst using castor oil, place a piece of cloth or cotton dipped in castor oil over the cyst and place a hot water bag on top of it to give a hot compress. The heat of the water will heat the castor oil and help in easy shrinking of the cyst.
Note- You should not consume castor oil internally to treat sebaceous cyst.

8.    Clay Tablet

Most of the skin problems are the result of improper digestion. Taking clay tablets will help to clear the impurities in the digestive system and helps in proper digestion. You will see positive changes in the cyst after taking the clay tablets. The cyst will start shrinking and soon it will disappear without getting infected.

9.    Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has astringent properties which help to cleanse the skin and improves the healing process. The tannins present in the witch hazel extract removes extra oil from the skin and prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands which result in the formation of cysts. You need to apply with hazel cream or gel on the cyst and allow it to soak the skin for a few hours. Repeat the remedy for a couple of days to reduce the cyst.

10.    Anti-Fungal Creams

Severe and painful cysts can be effectively cured using anti-fungal creams. You have to apply some anti-fungal cream on the cyst and if, necessary cover it with a bandage. Keep this over night to reduce itching, pain and inflammation caused by sebaceous cyst.

11.    Hot Compress

Hot compress is an effective sebaceous cyst home remedy. To cure the cyst, give hot compress on the cyst. This will help in draining out the oily liquid or pus from the cyst and helps in faster healing of the skin. You need to apply a medium hot compress to get the result. Too much heat will burn or damage the skin.

12.    Dandelion And Viola Herbal Solution

The herbal solution containing dandelion and viola helps to remove toxins from the body when taken internally and also fights against the bacteria causing the sebaceous cysts. There are two methods for using this home remedy.
Method 1:
Take one bag of dandelion and viola herbal mix and boil this bag in four cups of water. After boiling, simmer the solution for next 45 minutes. Drink this herbal solution 3-4 times a day. Continue the remedy for at least 8-10 days to get the required result and to prevent further cyst development.
Method 2:
Wash the sebaceous cyst using this herbal solution to remove the infecting bacteria and speed up healing.

13.    Colloidal Silver

This antibiotic herb is effective in reducing the inflammation and to improve the working of the immune system. It reduces the chance of infection and stimulates the flow of lymphatic fluids in the body. When applied on sebaceous cyst it provides quick and effective healing.

14.    Lugol’s Iodine

This home remedy for sebaceous cysts is available in the local grocery store. Apply a solution of Lugol’s iodine on the infected cyst with help of clean cotton. Apply this remedy 2-3 times a day to get the best results.
Note-Make sure that your clothes are away from the iodine solution as they get easily stained by this solution

15.    Potassium Iodide

This is a simple and infection –free sebaceous cyst treatment. Apply some potassium iodide directly on the sebaceous cyst at least 2-3 times a day to gradually shrink the cyst.

16.    Bee Pollen

Bee pollen acts as a natural blood purifier and hence it is used for treating various skin problems. Bee pollen is an effective home remedy in treating acne, pimple, sebaceous cyst, boils, etc. Bee pollen contains the pollen, royal jelly and bee propolis. To treat cysts, you can either consume the bee pollen as such or in the tablet or pill form.

17.    Black Blood Root Salve

This is a 100 % natural product for sebaceous cyst treatment. When applied on the infected cyst blood root drawing salve will pull the toxins under the skin to the surface and helps to eliminate it. To cure the cyst, apply the salve on the cyst and cover it with a clean bandage. Open the bandage after two days and you will find the cyst disappear.
Apart from the above herbal or natural home remedies, there are homeopathic remedies which are highly effective in curing the problem of sebaceous cysts.

Sebaceous Cyst Homeopathic Remedies

The homeopathic remedies are also natural remedies and are very safe to use as they don’t have any side effects. Some of the important homeopathic sebaceous cyst remedies are given below:
•    Agaricus muscarius
•    Ammonium carbonicum
•    Baryta carbonica
•    Bromium
•    Calcarea carbonica
•    Conium
•    Graphites
•    Hepar sulphuris
•    Kali bromium
•    Kali carbonicum
•    Mezereum
•    Nitric Acid
•    Sabina
•    Silicea
•    Spongia tosta
•    Sulfur
•    Thuja occidentalis

Tips To Prevent Sebaceous Cyst

Sebaceous cyst is harmless and it only causes inconvenience when they are in the visible areas of the body. Nobody will be, however, interested to carry a sebaceous cyst on their body, whether they are visible to others or not. Here are some tips to prevent the sebaceous cysts or to reduce its severity.
  1. Use any topical cream to reduce the infection and inflammation
  2. Consume antibiotic herbs which are effective in boosting the immune system and stimulating lymphatic flow.
  3. Consuming herbs like garlic, red clover, dandelion, barberry and yellow dock helps in purifying the blood and preventing the formation of sebaceous cysts.
  4. Make sure that you are consuming nutritious and well balanced diet with necessary vitamins in it.
  5. Drink lots of water to help in the elimination of waste from the body
  6. Do not scratch or squeeze the cyst to drain it. Allow the cyst to drain naturally
  7. Use an anti-bacterial soap to clean the affected area
  8. Include more of citrus fruits, fibers, whole grains, antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables and leafy vegetables to strengthen the immune system and proper working of the digestive system.
  9. If you develop sebaceous cysts on breast consume fiber rich food. If you feel that the size of the cyst is increasing immediately consult a doctor.
  10. If your cyst becomes filled with pus and becomes painful, it is better to consult a doctor for immediate relief and to prevent any complications.

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